National Puppetry Festival Day 5
whew. Sorry for the delay in posting. There was…an insect incident that rendered me unable to hang out in the dorm room for too long....

National Puppetry Festival: Day 4
wow. 4 days already and there’s still more to come. Chicken lady is looking good, we did the first part of the mold today. The sculpture...

National Puppetry Festival: Day 3
Well, at this point i’m pretty dead tired. I managed to last 4 days before cracking open one of my red bulls last night. There’s a pretty...

National Puppetry Festival: Day 2
Kat and I’s paths divided today as we are both taking different workshops. I am in a molding, sculpting and casting workshop that will be...

National Puppetry Festival: Day 1
Today went well despite the crazy busy schedule. We teched our show, got to eat and then performed with our friends Jenelle and Brad to...

National Puppetry Festival 2013: The Prelude
Hey Sea Beasters! Kat and MK are super excited to finally have arrived at the National Puppetry Festival here in Swarthmore, PA. After a...

Jurassic Park Puppet Slam!
That’s right! Sea Beast is organizing the ultimate tribute to the ultimate movie: Jurassic Park! We’re bringing together groups from all...

Sea Beast at C2E2 2013!
We rocked the con hard at C2E2 this year at the end of April! We had lots of puppet friends come and represent and it was a great variety...

The Chicago Improv Festival!
Sea Beast had a great time performing at the Chicago Improv Festival on April 6th. The audience loved it and the head of the festival,...

World Premiere of The History of Light!
Here at Sea Beast we’ve been relaxing for the past week or so because all of our hard work over the past several months finally came...