How to Make a Shadow Show:
Creature Feature Edition
Course Length: 6 classes (option to take individual classes)
Session 1 Dates: Mondays, 7PM-9PM CT April 12th- May 17th 2021
Session 2 Dates: Mondays, 7PM-9PM CT, May 24th - June 28th 2021
Ages: 13-Adult
Price: Full Course-$150, Single Class-$30 (If there are multiple members of your household participating register together to receive a 30% discount for each additional person. It will show up on your bill as the sibling discount.)
Join Sea Beast Puppet Company and learn everything you need to make your own professional quality shadow puppet show. Over the course of the 6 session class participants will build along with shadow practitioner Kat Pleviak and create puppets, scenery, and a stage as well as learn techniques in shadow performance. Course can be purchased as a set or drop in on the individual classes you like.
Course Class List:
Class 1- Bigfoot, Nessie, & Other Real Creatures: Constructing a Multipart Shadow Puppet. Participants will learn how to construct a durable, multipart puppet that exhibits smooth, deliberate, & engaging movement.
Class 2- Cthulhu Waits in the Shadows… Detailed Cutting for Shadow Puppets. Learn techniques for cutting precise, delicate, and detailed inlays within your art and silhouette of a character.
Class 3- Creepy Crawlies- How to Integrate Color into Shadows. Learn a variety of ways to add color to your puppets using different tools and techniques.
Class 4- From Under the Bed to Deep in the Woods!- Effective Scenery to Create a Shadow World. Discover the best ways to create scenery that won’t overpower your screen space and will complement your characters.
Class 5- What’s in the Box?! Build a Screen, Light it, and Store Your Show! Make a pop up shadow screen that doubles as a stage and storage box for your show. Then turn your phone into a light source that fits perfectly into your stage.
Class 6- Eeeeeeek…It’s A Show! Performance Techniques for Successful Shadow Shows. This class will cover simple and effective techniques for performing with your puppets, making smooth transitions, and changing scenery.
Materials and Tools
Many of the materials and tools you will need are items often found around the house or can be acquired at a local dollar store. Art will be provided by downloadable pdf for each class as needed.
Sample Materials List (an exact list will be provided based on the classes selected at time of purchase)
Puppet Making Supplies:
PDF (provided by class)
black poster board or cereal boxes
bamboo skewers or stiff wire (like a wire coat hanger)
brads (paper fasteners)
craft wire
glue sticks or spray glue or clear scotch tape
masking tape
duct tape or gaff tape
transparency sheets
Xacto knife and replacement blades
cutting mat
needle nose pliers/wire cutters
hole punch
paper scissors
pin or needle
glue gun or stapler