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Puppets for Breakfast

Course Length: 4 Classes (option to take individual classes)

Session A Dates: Tuesdays, 4PM-5PM CT March 9th - March 30th 2021

Session B Dates: Saturdays, 10AM-11AM CT May 15th -June 5th 2021

Ages: 5-12

Price: Full Course-$48 (Sibling discount: 30%), Single Class-$15 (Sibling discount: 30%)

Forget the cartoons on Saturday morning, let’s jam (and toast) down with our own creativity. In this 4 week class, kids will make their own puppet stage out of a cereal box, and build various scenery and puppets so they can put on their own shows! This is a perfect craft project for kids who love to explore their creativity or need an opportunity to do so.

The projects are colorful, fun and able to be completed at the kitchen table. Class space is limited so we can all talk to each other while we build. It’s a great way to make new friends over the internet.

Materials and Tools
Many of the materials and tools you will need are items often found around the house or can be acquired at a local dollar store. Art will be provided by downloadable pdf for each class as needed.


Materials List:

Puppet Making Supplies:

downloadable PDF printout

poster board/cardstock, and cereal boxes

glue sticks

bamboo skewers or chopsticks

brads (paper fasteners)

masking tape or scotch tape


hole punch

paper scissors

crayons, colored pencils, or markers

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